ABOUT ME, Michelle Hans
I have always had a love for photography. As far back as I can remember I had some kind of camera and was always the one to take the pictures at family gatherings and special occasions. My free time is often spent, taking photos of all the things I love the most. My kids, my dogs, flowers, and the wildlife around me. Oh, and bugs... Yes, I love to photograph insects!
I look for the beauty in everything around me, and love to share it with others in my photos.
I love to help tell your story, preserve your moments, and capture all the emotion, especially joy.
I can create beautiful photos of those that you love, and the connections between you.
Family is everything, and photography is forever.
Contact me with any questions:
Phone: 717-668-9505 (Call or Text)
EmAIL me: Michelle@MHansPhoto.com

Thank you!